"I feel naked without them!"

Greetings BAye Hive!

For some odd reason I feel like my last blog was forever ago. Maybe time stood still for a bit but it’s Thursday with me, Professor Poised! At least once a month, I like to talk fashion since it is the foundation of BAye Inc. and to be honest, it’s pretty important in my poised world as well.

When it comes to fashion, it has to be appropriate, reflect me and my current mood while being functional for the occasion or activity. A few months back, I shared that as I am entering my years of seasontry, I almost always have a sweater and some type of flat shoe with me if I’m not already wearing them. Even with all of this, without one very particular accessory, I will feel completely naked.

Earrings! Earrings! Earrings! I absolutely have to have on earrings to feel like I’m dressed. I don’t really care where I am going or what it is that I am headed to do. If I have to leave my dwelling, I must have on earrings.

Yes, and this, I blame my dear mother for. My ears were pierced at 6 weeks and unless I lost an earring somehow, I always had a pair in my ears. Looking back on it, I’m sure Mom wasted a few dollars back then. I could not wear anything but the real deal and I also couldn't keep a matching pair. Shame on me but I was pretty cute as kid so that helped.

                                          (Me @ 3 or 4 months)

I really am glad I grew out of that sensitivity because I am earring crazy! I love earrings and I especially love earrings made from natural looking materials like wood, feathers, faux leather, fur or other animal patterned materials. I also like beaded type earrings, drop style, fringe and fan, large in size and in all colors. If they are different, I love them!
Of course, that takes us back to the low-key hoarder issue. I don’t really know if I can control this one, this one actually takes care of itself; I think. Earrings break and get lost or damaged in other ways. I believe I replenish accordingly plus two, or three, maybe four.

It really doesn’t matter. Earrings make me happy! Some of my faves have come from Todd Parsons out of Virginia, more recently Lovespangle in Tennessee, and LaLa Rea Rea in Metairie, Louisiana (almost home). Check them out! I support small businesses. Doing so also makes me happy!

What is your must have, can't leave the house without accessory? Spill it!

Until next time remain...P.O.I.S.E.D.

If you'd like to contact Professor Poised for an upcoming event you may be having in the Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas area, you can reach her at info@poisedaffairsevents.com or visit  www.poisedaffairsevents.com.