Greetings BAye Hive!
I've always known being comfortable in solitude was indeed healthy but I'm beginning to think I may be a little too comfortable. I decided to do a self assessment this month since it is Minority Mental Health month. Below are the things I observed about myself while in quarantine during the months of March through June.
On the good side:
1) I've learned that keeping a daily routine that addresses my mental health is necessary to keeping myself on task. (No secrets here.)
2) I've also learned that incorporating dedicated physical activity into my day helps me fall asleep at a normal time. (Another given.)
3) Photography, nothing fancy, just taking pictures in general of random things has been fulfilling.
4) Most importantly, I've learned that I can survive the day on one cup of coffee. (Absolutely shocking initially.)
Over on the bad side:
1) I'm ashamed to say I'm having great difficulty telling myself no to snacks. (I have this issue with more than just snacks.)
2) I've become addicted to Sonic's Reese's Blast with my secret ingredient of cheesecake flavoring. (They're so good!)
3) I've also determined that when I spend too much time with myself, the conversations with self become extremely intense. ("I" usually win and you can't tell "me" anything afterward.)
4) Finally, I've learned that I'm never really going to like drinking water enough to meet my daily intake needs without help. (Adding lemon, or other fruits helps.)
We should take note of those things that perk us up and the things that may become a detriment to our goals. (Sonic blasts come to mind.) It may be some of the things that I've shared or a totally different list and that's okay. Identification is the first step toward change!
As an individual who battles depression and anxiety, self assessments help me to recognize my moods, triggers and coping methods. Incorporating a way to gauge these things is paramount. The sooner I, you, we, address the funk, the sooner we can get back to that sweet place, the happy me, the happy you, who E.xpects great things D.aily!
Just do a simple list examining a specific time frame. One side good and one side bad. Fill in the blanks honestly. What are your takeaways? I'd love to hear your findings if you'd like to share.
Until next time remain...P.O.I.S.E.D.
If you'd like to contact Professor Poised for an upcoming event you may be having in the Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas area, you can reach her at or visit
If you'd like to contact Professor Poised for an upcoming event you may be having in the Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas area, you can reach her at or visit
Thank you for reading!