2021 Goal Setting - No more Resolutions EVER!

Greetings BAye Hive! Happy New Year to you and yours from Moi!

I know it has been forever since I have blogged but I assure you, there hasn’t been much going on. Sike! I will not tell that tale. Listen, a whole heap of things has happened and well, I haven’t had anything in me to release here. Just about everyone has had a moment or two or even three and beyond during this pandemic but guess what?

I don’t know either.  (LOL) 

I cure all with laughter.

We are all navigating these waters at the same time together. I wholeheartedly believe it has served a pointed purpose for us all. I know I have achieved my 2020 desire of being better in 2021 than I was in 2020. It is my hope that no matter how little or how small you think an achievement you've made is/was, I hope you have or will celebrate yourself. Now it is time to level up again in 2021.

Did you all make any resolutions? Yes? 

I hope not. (Side-eye)

Let’s make a pact. Instead of making resolutions, let’s begin to set goals! Writing your small goals, big goals, short, intermediate, and long-term goals should all be a part of your 2021 planning.

Why goals and not resolutions?

For that answer, I will direct you to the dictionary definition which almost certainly will use the phrase “statement of intent” to define resolution. A written goal defines a resolution if you will and provides the mechanics to complete your goal. The fact of the matter is resolutions sound good but they lack the ingredients you need to be successful.

Need help?

My circle uses the acronym Specific Measurable Attainable Reasonable Time-bound. For example, ask yourself, if your goal is specific? Do the same with the remaining letters. If you answer these questions, you’ve basically given yourself a blueprint to soar. Why? Now you can actually see it's within reach. You see yourself winning!

Here is my charge to you and it’s not too late. In fact, if you goal set properly, you will write short term goals and intermediate goals multiple times in the upcoming year as you conquer them. I want you to think of something you have been wanting to do or been putting off. Follow the S.M.A.R.T. goal structure and write down a short-term goal. It could be a smaller portion of a long-term goal. It doesn’t matter, just get writing.

After you have written your goals, put it somewhere you will see it daily even throughout the day. (Great places are screen savers on our electronic devices.) The more you are reminded of your goal, the more you will move in a way that propels you closer to meeting that goal(s).

I hope this helps jump start someone to begin something they have wanted to get done and just haven’t had the spark they needed to get going. I hope to get some feedback from each and every one of you in 2022 about how you crushed your 2021 goals. Let’s make it a party. I’ll bring the ice (LOL) and we will celebrate.

Off to work on one of my 2021 goals.

Until next time…

Remain P.O.I.S.ED.

 If you'd like to contact Professor Poised for an upcoming event you may be having in the Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas area, you can reach her at info@poisedaffairsevents.com or visit  www.poisedaffairsevents.com.