Hairstyling Tips - Questions & Answers Part 3

Hi Beauties! 
It's me again answering questions for advice on various topics! I had quite a few hairstyle questions. I've decided to put them all under the same post because they were quite similar. Sooooo... Let's get to it! 

Fan #1 Writes:
"Hi there!

Can you share some tips on how to style short hair styles please? Different hairstyles for different events/occasions that are quick? 

Thank you so much! "

Hey Isa!
Without knowing the actual length of your hair it would be pretty hard for us to come up with ideas. Mackenzie Kruvant over at buzzfeed had a great article on styling short hair. Here's the link:
Hope that helps! 

Fan #2 Writes:
I've very curly hair that simply is untameable and takes an awful long time to style. Any easy style tips?

Hi Ashfa!
I'm a naturally curly girl myself! My hair is super thick but there is no such thing as hair that can't be tamed. Without knowing your current hair regimen, I can only tell you what I do for my hair. First, I use Wen for washing. Regular shampoos can be drying to the hair. Second, you need to do a good deep conditioner. Detangle your hair during this process. It makes it easier and it won't break your hair. I never detangle my hair while it's dry. After washing, my process is LOCS (Liquid, Oil, Cream, Seal). You will need to find a great leave-in. I use Karen Body Beautiful Sweet Ambrosia. Any oil (almond, olive, etc). A styling cream (your choice) and then I seal with shea butter. You can skip this step if your hair isn't very thick. My hair is always manageable and stays moisturized for days. Hope this helps!

This is a picture of my hair freshly washed.
If you need anymore natural styling help, you can catch me on my natural hair blog at!! Hair tips, style ideas etc.!

Fan #3 Writes:
What kind of hair style will make the chin appear longer? I have a very short chin.
Anne C

Hi Anne!
I found a great article by Blissy on Chic Factor that gives great ideas according to the shape of your face! Check it out and let me know if it helps. Here's the link:
This picture is from the website:

Fan #4 Writes:
How to describe to hairstylist to cut in layers that will not friz, but rather have more of a blunt edge - see my delema?  LOL you probably don't know what I am talking about either.  I generally do not have frizzy hair, but the last two times when getting it cut once it dries it will friz :)
Denise Z

Hi Denise!
You got me! LOL! I'm not really sure what to tell you! A professional stylist should know how to cut hair in order for it not to frizz. The only suggestion that I can tell you is that you stress that the stylist keeps the blades of the shears parallel with your hair and not perpendicular. 

Cut into the hair vertically with the shears, much like you're cutting INTO the hair, not across. The blades of the shears will be parallel to the hair strands, not perpendicular, and while the ends of the hair are pointing down, the blades are pointing up, not sideways. This makes each snip blend into the hair gradually, not like choppy jags.

Whooo! You guys keep me working! LOL! These are great questions and I hope my answers help you guys! Was this too much? Not enough? Need any additional help? Let me know! Comment Below! Until Next time lovies! 

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~B. Ayesha
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