Hey BAye Hive Tribe!!
I'm so excited to present this week's feature on Bina Ayesha's Phenomenal Allies! I'm a big supporter of small business owners/founders. What better way to show my support but by featuring them and helping to get their name out, right? Here's another week of awesomeness!
I'm pleased to introduce to you Keione Gordon, owner of XPRESSION NovelTees!

I'm so excited to present this week's feature on Bina Ayesha's Phenomenal Allies! I'm a big supporter of small business owners/founders. What better way to show my support but by featuring them and helping to get their name out, right? Here's another week of awesomeness!
I'm pleased to introduce to you Keione Gordon, owner of XPRESSION NovelTees!
B. Ayesha: What is the name of your business?
Keione: XPRESSION NovelTees
B. Ayesha: How long have you been in business (anniversary)?
Keione: 5/1/2018
B. Ayesha: How did you get started in this business?
Keione: Crafting and supporting my friends businesses
B. Ayesha: What are the biggest issues for running this business?
Motivation and finding the time
B. Ayesha: What do you see as the future for your business?
Growth and expansion to storefront
B. Ayesha: Running your own business can become overwhelming at times. What motivates you to keep going?
Financial freedom and time
B. Ayesha: What advice would you give other aspiring entrepreneurs?
It is hard work but worth the sacrifice to be your own boss
B. Ayesha:
Is there anything else you would like my readers to know about you and/or your business?
We are not you average NovelTee shop. We specialize in making your wildest expressions a reality
If you would like to delve more into the fabulousness that is Keione and XPRESSION NovelTees, you can find her on: Instagram.
So what do you guys think? Any additional questions? Let me know in the comments below! Thanks for tuning in!! See you next time!
So what do you guys think? Any additional questions? Let me know in the comments below! Thanks for tuning in!! See you next time!

Thank you for reading!