Putting your best foot forward!

     I'm feeling amazing today and it's awesome but I have a confession. It is time for Professor Poised to have her first pedicure of 2020; finding the right fit for this particular service can be quite intense especially in a new area. No big deal for most however, I am pretty particular when it comes to this service provider.

   First, you all must know I do not like feet at all! I do not like another person's feet near me and I might faint if they so happen to touch me in any way. Additionally, I do not exactly like my own feet which is why, the pedicurist is an essential part of my life. It pains me to have to do any maintenance to my own feet and if I have to, it will literally suck the life right out of me. Plain and simple, me, myself, I and my feet, have a love-hate relationship. Nevertheless, I need my feet! 

     In order for me to put my best foot forward, I need a pedicurist in my life! Similarly so, there are a few other things in life that require us to put our best foot forward so to speak. As an individual, you have many talents. It is what makes us unique forces to be reckoned with once we recognize them. Unfortunately, unless you are a super human being or have been cloned multiple times, you cannot present the very best of each talent at all times while simultaneously handling the business of everyday life's responsibilities.

     This is where service or product providers come in and why we need them. Each of us have chosen what it is we want to individually focus on and master. It is perfectly okay to recognize and utilize the gifts and talents of others who also do what you could do yourself. We do this all the time but not nearly enough. Often times, we may even drive ourselves a bit crazy before seeking assistance. Do yourself a favor beginning today.
Stop it!
 It's not poised-like! 
(I absolutely envisioned some belle of the ball with the richest southern accent saying that.) 

     As I think about being open to new ideas and adventures, I'm thinking about what service I could offer in exchange for another service. Bartering seems old school in the wake of our currency driven economy but in your smaller circle, could this be beneficial? The people that are in your circle are in your circle for a reason. Utilize the resources around you to save yourself valuable time and energy. In the case of my feet, actual physical pain.

   In order to begin to put my best foot forward doing the things I'm best at, I'm making a list, a bartering list of the services I may exchange for an equal service. Think of something you do very well and it comes easy for you. Then think of something you prefer not to do but need the task accomplished in order to either operate your business or home. I'm actually curious to see if this will work. Anyone care to join me? 

     Finally, if you are reading from the DFW, Texas, area and are a pedicurists or have any highly rated recommendations for Professor Poised, please send the information my way. This a service I pay for and I tip well. Thank you kindly!

Until next time remain...

*If you'd like to contact Professor Poised for an upcoming event you may be having in the Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas area, you can reach her at info@poisedaffairsevents.com or visit  www.poisedaffairsevents.com.