Can You Guess Who Had the Best Birthday EVER?

Hey Guys and Dolls!
On January 25th, I turned the big 36!! Whoo! I cannot believe I'm a few short years away from 40! Where did the time go? LOL! Well, my life has had a lot of ups and downs but I've enjoyed my life. I would not be who I am without going through the things that made me! I can't lie. The things that I've gone through sometimes broke me down BUT I lived through it and I'm still here! (in my Celie voice) That was a "The Color Purple" quote if you got lost for a second. LOL! Anyway, Here are some photos of the young Bina Ayesha and a few from my 36th Birthday Weekend with my friends who are more like my family. ENJOY!! 




Pre-Birthday Festivities!!! 
(Photo courtesy of Up-Townes Photography)

Pre-Gaming with my guys! They always have my back! 


 Say Cheese!!

THE SHOES!!! These are from the Gwen Stefani Line
Purchased from Shoedazzle (here)

I danced ALL night! I was hurting the next day though. LOL! 
Dancing and Fibromyalgia never mix! :-( But I live my life to the fullest! 
And so should you!

Happy Birthday Bina!! 
And my oh so handsome beau! 
Isn't he adorable? :-)

One of the owners of Hashtag Designs, Candice!

  My lovely friends, Ebony, Sharm (Owner of Charm'd Lounge) and Michele!!

Well that about wraps up the best birthday EVER!! Thanks for tuning in! If you have any questions or comments, chime in below! Until next time!