Greetings BAye Hive!
I never really know what the new day will lead me to write about and quite frankly, I'm always amazed at what my little fingers execute at the command of my brain and a once over from my heart.
I will be honest, June has been a pretty interesting month. Summer classes began adding to my other obligations and it has taken a few weeks to get a handle on things. I trust myself to figure things out in a timely manner and usually I do however, there are times when I don't quite meet the mark or flat out fail. It is in these times that I have to step back and remember that I am human.
Yes, I am human and to me that means I will never be perfect. I will make mistakes, I will fail, I will learn from these situations and I will try again with the fighting fireball of passion that burns just beneath my sun-kissed walnut colored complexion. I am a work in progress.
Somewhere between my professional responsibilities, I still have to find time to take care of my personal responsibilities. I also have to ensure I am providing myself with enough time for self-care. It amazes me how easy it is for a lot of us to repeatedly sacrifice our self-care time. I am definitely guilty of this but trying to get better. I am human. I am a work in progress.
As a busy woman in her 40's, there are 3 things I try to incorporate in my day that absolutely help me to feel like a better version of myself when I do them. They do not seem like much on the surface but their impacts are long lasting. I am human. I am a work in progress.
The first thing is my facial skin care routine. My favorite esthetician, Keione Gordon, owner of Imperfectly Beautiful in Las Vegas, Nevada, told me to exfoliate regularly and at my age, to moisturize! Moisturize! Moisturize! Amazing how different the outcome of things you do with a purpose rather than out of routine. I enjoy this facial massage every morning mostly because I am human and I am a work in progress.
The second thing I do is savor my morning coffee but not until I drink my first 8 ounces of water. While just short of worshiping my coffee, I write at least 5 things I did well from the day before and 5 things that I could have done better or not at all. This is helping me to identify the good habits to keep and bad habits to eliminate. I am human. I am a work in progress.
The third thing is making sure I get fresh air daily. Even if it is for a short period of time. My favorite time is late morning. Around 11 am with a snack. It's also like the work day mid point for me. The sun refills my energy and with its sweet soft kisses reminds me I am okay. I am human. I am work in progress.
My take-
Embrace your human. Embrace your progress. Slow progress is still progress. A stumble that you get back up from is still forward progress. Remember, your journey is unique to you so keep expecting great things daily!
Until next time remain...P.O.I.S.E.D.
If you'd like to contact Professor Poised for an upcoming event you may be having in the Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas area, you can reach her at or visit
Thank you for reading!